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In 2017, the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) began to organize educators of color in several Affiliates. Educators of color across the Springfield Educator Association developed a core team by utilizing one-on-one conversations. This core group of educators became ALANA (African, Latinx, Asian, and Native American). 

In January 2019, almost two-years after its first public action, ALANA educators met with the Superintendent and members of his cabinet to discuss the mission and goals of the committee, with a push for cultural competency training.  ALANA did not get a commitment from the Superintendent at that time.  However, in October 2019, during a PVP hosted community townhall,  the same demand of cultural competency was a topic of interest and concern by student activists, and Superintendent Warwick agreed to work with SEA and PVP to roll out district-wide training for SPS staff.

From its inception and through many volunteer hours of its core team, the SEA ALANA inspired the development of the Diversity, Inclusion, and Racial Equity (DIRE) Initiative, a joint effort between Springfield Education Association (SEA), Springfield Public Schools (SPS), Springfield Federation of Paraprofessionals (SFoP) and our community partner, Pioneer Valley Project (PVP) to address the barriers institutional racism imposes on students' academic success. ALANA was determined to develop a DIRE team with a strong mission and goals to dismantle white privilege and develop a school system based on a strong commitment to anti-racist practices. 

In 2020, a collaboration between the Springfield Education Association/SEA ALANA, the Pioneer Valley Project, SPS Administration, and Springfield Federation of Paraprofessionals was created to form DIRE

DIRE labored to make a collective impact in transforming school climate, confronting institutional racism, and promoting academic excellence.  

This team works to enhance five areas with Springfield Public Schools:    

                     Policies and Procedures
                     Professional Development
                     Recruitment, Hiring and Retention of Educators of Color
                     Portrait of A  Graduate (2022)

In the 2022-2023 a contest was held asking the students, at the 9 schools participating in the school based DIRE teams, to submit their logo ideas to DIRE:






Conservatory of the Arts





The entry below won :)

1st Place (2).jpeg


1st Place: Alyssa Rodriguez -Putnam HS

2nd Place: Carielys Sanchez-Torres – Conservatory of the Arts

3rd Place: Kayshaleen Nicholson- Putnam HS

Honorable Mention: Justin Kisanda- Glickman Elementary

Honorable Mention: Alexandre Sanchez- Conservatory of the Arts

Springfield Federation of Paraprofessionals

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